3 Simple Ways to Serve Customers

This article presents 3 simple ways to use social media to strengthen relationships with your customers.  Good advice whether you use social media or other approaches.  http://www.marketingprofs.com/short-articles/2621/three-unique-ways-to-serve-clients-through-social-media?adref=nlt072012&utm_source=mpt&utm_medium=quicktake&utm_campaign=basic&utm_term=custrelation&utm_content=article

Citigroup asks “If you could do your banking on Facebook — would you?”

Bloomberg reports that Citigroup asked this question on its Facebook page over the weekend http://www.facebook.com/#!/citi?rf=111930638833820 .  The Citi spokesperson states that this “was part of a series of questions we’ve been asking to encourage discussion around innovation in banking products and services.”  Most comments were of the “hell no” variety although a couple of people said “yes.”  As a Citi alum from the 80’s I particularly enjoyed the “not with those clowns” comment… 

 Here’s the Bloomberg article:  http://www.businessweek.com/news/2012-07-16/citigroup-asks-facebook-users-whether-they-d-like-social-banking?goback=%2Egde_1857754_member_135560635

Facebook is beta testing Online Banking

Facebook has teamed up with Australia’s Commonwealth Bank to allow Facebook users who are bank customers to make payments to third parties as well as Facebook friends.  If they can gain the confidence of banks and customers by providing private experiences, they believe they will help banks to better engage customers  and continue to drive traffic to Facebook.  Worth a read:  http://tech.fortune.cnn.com/2012/07/10/facebook-online-banking/?source=linkedin&goback=%2Egde_1966839_member_132574125

5 Things More Important Than Likes on Facebook

Interesting article if you’re trying to understand what Facebook is doing for you.  It speaks to focus and strategy and provides some good food for thought.  http://socialmediatoday.com/jim-belosic/571191/five-things-more-important-page-engagement?goback=%2Egde_104741_member_130161858