5 Myths of Facebook Marketing

This article discusses 5 marketing myths regarding Facebook and why you may not need to have a presence or why you may not want to deck that many resources against it if you do.  A good read but remember, if you have Facebook presence be sure to have goals and engage strategically.  Facebook sages warn against an inattentive approach being more dangerous than going without a site – so be careful.  5 Reasons Your Brand Doesn’t Need Facebook  http://www.imediaconnection.com/article_full.aspx?id=32562

What other banks are doing well in social media

You’ll find a few good ideas about social media in this article, from a few banks that have been active for a while.  Interesting ways to try to control the content, which will always be a challenge.   http://www.bankdirector.com/index.php/magazine/archives/3rd-quarter-2012/banking-on-fear/?goback=%2Egde_1857754_member_147572669

Hiring a 20-something to manage your social media?

Some great things to think through when you put someone in charge of your social media, especially someone inexperienced in your institution, branding and communications.   They will be representing your brand online – be careful!http://www.inc.com/hollis-thomases/social-media-dont-put-intern-in-charge.html

A “Toe” in the Social Media Water

Interesting Harvard Business Review blog on social media, suggesting we use it to build organized  collaborative communities amongst our employees.  The authors see this as a great opportunity to engage business leaders who are hesitant to engage in social media by giving them the opportunity to actively participate, and create value to the organization.  The blog also includes an interesting stat on organizational attitudes on social media in general.   http://blogs.hbr.org/cs/2012/07/most_organizations_still_fear.html?goback=%2Egde_1857754_member_136648889