Words to Use and Avoid in Your Email Subject Lines

If you do email campaigns you know how important your subject line copy is to motivating a reader to open your email.   MarketingProfs just published the results of an analysis by Adestra, providing the best and worst words to use in your subject line.  Adestra analyzed a random sample of over 90,000 email campaigns, each with a list size of at least 5,000 subscribers, for a total of over 2 billion emails.  Here’s the summary report: http://www.marketingprofs.com/charts/2013/11228/the-most-effective-keywords-in-email-subject-lines?adref=nlt072213 and the registration page for the full study: http://www.adestra.com/resources/reports/adestra-subject-line-analysis-report-2013/.  So what words surprised you?

Top 50 Community Bank Leaders in Social Media

The ICBA recently published a list of the top 50 community bank leaders in social media, based on number of fans or followers, engagement, and content and frequency of posts.  Take a look at who they think excels at social media – and let me know who you think does the best job:  http://www.icba.org/smleaders/