Avoid these social media mistakes!

A good summary of mistakes businesses do that hurt their brand and marketing efforts.  And the link to the really dumb approach Epicurious took after the Boston marathon bombing is worth reading.  http://www.mybusinessedge.net/5-social-media-mistakes-that-will-sink-your-campaigns/

“Soulless Bureaucratic Tactics” Drive Social Media Failures

“You cannot underestimate people’s ability to spot a soulless bureaucratic tactic a million miles away,” warns social media expert Gary Vayernchuk. “It’s a big reason why so many companies that have dipped a toe in social media waters have failed miserably.”

HubSpot reports that social media has evolved from personal “advice, stories and experiences” to an “outdated, stodgy means of communicating” where businesses blatantly pitch their products and services.  As a result, people have disengaged and businesses feel they have failed in social media.  Conclusion: “It’s time to make social media personal again.”  Tell me what you think about this article – do you agree? 

Blogs Rule! Well, Almost.

The Social Media Examiner summarized the results of  Technoratimedia’s 2013 Digital Influence Report which found that blogs are the third most influential digital resource, behind retail and brand sites.  Blogs beat out Facebook, Twitter, etc. – are you surprised?  The study states that bloggers tend to share both positives and negatives so they are seen as more trustworthy, and followers look to them for an objective view. This study also discusses the size of a social community and how that impacts trust and thereby purchase behavior – and bigger is not necessarily better!  So what do you think – do you trust bloggers more than what you read on Facebook, etc?  Would a blog help build trust in your markets?   http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/blogs-outrank-social-networks-for-consumer-influence-new-research/ and here’s the link for the full study: http://technoratimedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/tm2013DIR.pdf